Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Rohitash and Gopal reading the newpaper and showing the amazing ability of Indians to squat. They read the newspaper like this for 20 minutes or so, no problem. This was during my last trip, in the winter. Hence the coverings (necessary! The cold wears you down with no indoors to turn to)

A discussion amongst women from 5 villages, some of which are pretty remote, i.e not connected by a paved road. This discussion was about Jal, Jiwan, aur Jiwikoparjan - Water, Life, and Livelihood. At this talk the workers had the women ponder their problems (especially due to water shortage) and what they think they could do to mitigate the problems. This is another example of the ways the NGO empowers women through self-belief and empowerment of their minds, economic abilities, etc.

Isn't this a beautiful photograph. It is at a wedding. The groom is at the center in white and by custom he is being fed by all of his sisters. The groom is one of 18 brothers.

Typical rural picture. Straw houses and brick houses, cow patties up, buffaloes lying about.

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