Monday, May 18, 2009

Arrival to India

Originally sent on May 5th, 2009:
Hi all,
So, I have arrived safe and sound in Delhi India, and am already having a ball of a time watching the multitudes of people & animals, taking in the varieties of sound and color and the general disorder that is characteristic of India (and which I love dearly). I am currently staying at "the ranch" with the friends we know in Delhi. It is a rather nice compound in South Delhi, as these friends are business folks. I woke up this morning to a gaggleo 20-30 peacocks hanging outside of my room. My mere coming outside sent them into a tizzy, as they ran this way and that, anything to get away from the angrezi (foreigner). It is this spontaneity and connection to nature and animals that I love about India among other things. I have already had my first chai and biscuits, so my trip to India can be said to have begun in earnest. I have also talked with some folks about a story in the Ramayan in which Vishnu comes out of the stomach of Brahma upon a lotus flower, and hence why the lotus flower is important to Indian culture; I have additionally talked about education, Pakistan, and our new president (one man was not happy with him; apparently not happy about American inaction with regards to Pakistani violence within India; tough situation; will learn more about Indian perspective and get back to you). I will be leaving for the village this afternoon and will begin my work trying to launch a computer project. I will get desktops put in 4 villages and laptops to travel around the area. The goal is to increase computer literacy amongst the adults and children in the area so that they will be more competitive for jobs and more able to address their problems using computers and the net. Specifically, they want to learn about water management since it is a desert area and water tables have been falling. This local participation in conservation efforts is so crucial, and I hope to play my little part. Hopefully something good will come out of it. I have already gotten a tip that Dell will pay for computers, generators, perhaps internet in village areas if one has a Math and Science education curriculum developed. If my last year's work at the Western Colorado Math & Science Center then I don't know what will. So, keep your fingers crossed, as this could greatly expand the capability and reach of the project. Anywho, that's enough for know. I will keep y'all updated on mere gaowale anubhaw, my village experiences. shant, pyar, aur bhagwan ka kripadristi (peace, love, and God's grace)


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